
Nutrition & Cooking Classes
with Mentorship Coaching
for anyone who wants to upgrade their health holistically, further their education around nutrition, and fall in love with cooking!

Are you eager for more clarity and ease around implementing principles of Ayurveda and holistic health into your lifestyle, diet, and cooking?

In this comprehensive mentorship training, you learn the knowledge, tools, and strategies to understand the root of your blocks and challenges so you can sustainably manage and overcome them.

Optimize your physical health holistically so you have the greatest energy, clarity, and capacity possible to show up more deeply for yourself and others in all aspects of your life.

Ignite your spiritual connection and practice, and build a lifestyle routine that harmonizes your spiritual values with your professional life/business.

Are you tired of feeling uninspired in the kitchen? Do you struggle with digestive issues, low energy, or chronic illness? It's time to take control of your health and well-being with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

Our Ayurvedic nutrition online training program is designed to provide you with everything you need to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into your daily life and add zest to your diet.

WHAT You Will Learn

In Essence, Nourish Offers:

  • Comprehensive instruction on the principles of Ayurveda

    • Including the 3 Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and how they relate to your health and experience in your body and mind

  • Cooking demos that show you how to prepare delicious and nourishing meals with efficiency and ease

  • Personalized meal plans that are tailored to your unique body type and constitution

  • Guidance on incorporating herbs and spices for optimal digestion and balance

  • Focus on the art of the culinary world – how to make cooking and eating a spiritual experience, rather than a chore

  • Holistic understanding of the beauty and qualities of food, and ingredient sourcing

  • Exercise and breathwork practices tailored to your individual needs

  • Ayurveda as a framework to process and manage emotions

  • Knowledge of the key fundamental aspects of Ayurvedic philosophy

    • Why digestive strength is the most central aspect for radiant health – and how you can optimize it

    • Vital energies of the body – prana, tejas, and ojas – what they are and how to nourish them

    • Self-healing through marma (acupressure) therapy

    • Trauma and emotions – Ayurvedic support to process and grow through them

    • 4 types of toxins and simple, but powerful practices of detoxification

    • … and much more!

  • Consistent support and personalized guidance from our team of Ayurvedic experts!

Upon Completion, You Will...

  • Have the necessary knowledge of how to maintain optimal health through holistic tools and practices.

  • Feel comfortable in the kitchen and know how to whip up quick and easy Ayurvedic meals.

  • Be able to recognize and identify imbalances and know what foods that you love to eat are medicinal and healing for them.

  • Develop a personalized, regulated schedule to harmonize your bio-rhythms with nature’s.

  • Feel confident, excited, and easeful in the kitchen.

  • Have a comprehensive toolbox of relievers – practices that empower you to stay centered and to effectively respond to stress in order to re-center and navigate the waves of life with grace.

With our Ayurvedic nutrition online training program, you'll learn how to create a balanced and nourishing diet that supports your individual needs. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the principles of Ayurveda and how they can help you achieve optimal health and well-being. You’ll also understand the luxuries of using high quality ingredients, the impact they have not only on your body but your mind whilst cooking, and the positive mental shift of prioritizing food.

Our program is easy to follow and can be accessed from the comfort of your own home. You'll receive all the instruction and support you need to succeed, with the flexibility to learn at your own pace.

Don't let imbalanced nutrition hold you back from feeling your best. Invest in your health and well-being with our Ayurvedic Nutrition & Culinary Arts online training program today. Sign up now and start your journey towards improved health and joy!

There are several interesting aspects of Ayurvedic cooking, including:

  • The focus on balancing the 3 Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) through the use of specific foods and cooking methods

  • The intentional and artistic use of herbs and spices to increase the overall experience of eating and to support optimal digestion

  • The emphasis on using fresh, seasonal ingredients and avoiding processed and/or refined foods

  • The use of Ayurvedic principles to create personalized meal plans that support an individual’s unique body type and current constitution

  • The focus on the sensory experience of eating – including the presentation and enjoyment of food

  • Overall, Ayurvedic cooking is an interesting and holistic approach to balancing the body (& mind) and promoting overall well-being… It incorporates a wide range of techniques and principles to create meals that are both delicious and nourishing!

Here is what some of our Ayurveda students are saying…

In the Ayurveda Intensive I got some basic tools to make small changes towards my health that I could manage, and psychologically and physically I already feel much better.

— Arielle Castillo, Yoga & Meditation Teacher

The Ayurveda Intensive was awesome--this answered so many questions! I think it was a great starting point on my journey. I loved Madhu's lectures and I gained a tremendous amount of clarity. I would & will recommend this to my friends!

— Grace Young, Apparel & Accessory Technical Designer

Learning about Ayurveda has been life changing. I’ve never felt more confident with a practice. For anyone who wants to feel their best selves I highly recommend it. Huge thank you to Madhu!

— L.M.


Nutrition & Cooking Classes with Mentorship Coaching

For anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of nutrition, revolutionize their skills in the kitchen, and upgrade their health holistically!

4 month program

(dates TBD — stay tuned!)

1 hour class every week as well as an

additional 30 minute Q&A + discussion

Communication access to our team of Ayurvedic Experts for 1:1

personalized support in addition to group sessions

Course group for connection, inspiration, and accountability

with peers throughout the training

Class resource access via Youtube and Google Drive

All students will be given lifetime access to class recordings and resources


Nutrition & Cooking Classes with Mentorship Coaching

For anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of nutrition, revolutionize their skills in the kitchen, and upgrade their health holistically!

4 month program

(dates TBD — stay tuned!)

1 hour class every week as well as an additional 30 minute Q&A + discussion

Communication access to our team of Ayurvedic Experts for 1:1

personalized support in addition to group sessions

Course group for connection, inspiration, and accountability

with peers throughout the training

Class resource access via Youtube and Google Drive

All students will be given lifetime access to class recordings and resources


Madhuri Pura Dasa

Born and raised in a family of bhakti yogis, Madhu adopted a serious interest and desire to immerse himself in the spiritual culture of India at an early age. He became a monk on his eighteenth birthday (the monastery couldn’t legally accept him sooner!). For five years he lived a simple life focused around an intense daily spiritual practice and study of Vedic arts, sciences, and philosophy under world renowned teachers. Part of his service entailed traveling the world teaching and inspiring communities of spiritual aspirants in 5 different continents.

While living in India, Madhu got extremely sick with a parasite infection. The chronic health challenges he faced led him to become a serious student and practitioner of Ayurveda. Gradually, his health transformed; and with this firsthand experience of Ayurveda’s power to ignite holistic healing and even support spiritual growth, he is deeply motivated to share it with others. He is a 500 hr-RYT, an Ayurvedic Marma Therapist, and a Conscious Lifestyle Coach.

Nothing brings him more joy than the opportunities to help facilitate clarity, healing, transformation, and deep growth for his clients. He has mentored and taught hundreds of students over the past several years.

Rati Rāsa

For the past 7 years, Rati has studied overall nutrition and Ayurveda. She was diagnosed with a chronic, life-long illness at 3 years old. In her early teens, she became plant-based, and began to focus heavily on her diet. At 14 years old, her doctors announced her clear of the illness they initially thought would last a lifetime. Her interest in nutrition and its influence on health skyrocketed.

Always having a love for cooking, she attended Johnson & Wales private University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Nutrition. She has spent time traveling around India learning, and experiencing Ayurvedic healing techniques such as panchakarma and marma therapy.

She runs an apothecary focused upon providing top quality Ayurvedic and herbal products, and she finds joy in helping clients fall in love with cooking and uplift their relationship with food.

Are you ready to take the next step into your health and wellness journey?


Madhuri Pura Dasa

Born and raised in a family of bhakti yogis, Madhu adopted a serious interest and desire to immerse himself in the spiritual culture of India at an early age. He became a monk on his eighteenth birthday (the monastery couldn’t legally accept him sooner!). For five years he lived a simple life focused around an intense daily spiritual practice and study of Vedic arts, sciences, and philosophy under world renowned teachers. Part of his service entailed traveling the world teaching and inspiring communities of spiritual aspirants in 5 different continents.

While living in India, Madhu got extremely sick with a parasite infection. The chronic health challenges he faced led him to become a serious student and practitioner of Ayurveda. Gradually, his health transformed; and with this firsthand experience of Ayurveda’s power to ignite holistic healing and even support spiritual growth, he is deeply motivated to share it with others. He is a 500 hr-RYT, an Ayurvedic Marma Therapist, and a Conscious Lifestyle Coach.

Nothing brings him more joy than the opportunities to help facilitate clarity, healing, transformation, and deep growth for his clients. He has mentored and taught hundreds of students over the past several years.

Rati Rāsa

For the past 7 years, Rati has studied overall nutrition and Ayurveda. She was diagnosed with a chronic, life-long illness at 3 years old. In her early teens, she became plant-based, and began to focus heavily on her diet. At 14 years old, her doctors announced her clear of the illness they initially thought would last a lifetime. Her interest in nutrition and its influence on health skyrocketed.

Always having a love for cooking, she attended Johnson & Wales private University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Nutrition. She has spent time traveling around India learning, and experiencing Ayurvedic healing techniques such as panchakarma and marma therapy.

She runs an apothecary focused upon providing top quality Ayurvedic and herbal products, and she finds joy in helping clients fall in love with cooking and uplift their relationship with food.

Are you ready to take the next step into your health and wellness journey?

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